Unity church birmingham
Unity church birmingham

We want to end this injustice and have deeper and more meaningful relationships where everyone is valued equally. We live in a broken society where many have been ignorant of this, and of the pain and hurt caused. Structures as well as individuals often push our brown and black sisters and brothers to the margins. God invites us to live radically differently, to be counter-cultural by loving our neighbour as ourselves and to love God with our whole being. As children of God, we are not called to live as perpetrators or victims of racism. Suffering from racism is a daily occurrence for many people. It matters to us that we become people who live out what it means to be a Christ-centred community.


We’ve begun to understand each others’ hurt and pain differently, learned how to ask each other questions, and are learning how to ‘fulfil the law of Christ’ by sharing one another’s burdens.

unity church birmingham

The murder of George Floyd in 2020 was a catalyst for some church members to share their experiences of being treated differently because of their colour and culture. What we’ve discovered is that although sharing these things is good, they don’t tell much about each others’ life experiences. We speak many languages, eat a wide range of interesting food, like different sorts of music, sometimes wear different clothes, and share much from the richness of our difference. As St Germain’s church we’re people, living stones you might say, coming from many tribes and nations.

Unity church birmingham